Saturday, January 8, 2011

Welcoming Kaiden Wayne Tarver

On Tuesday, December 28th I went in for my normal weekly checkup.  My blood pressure was very high and I had been sick earlier that morning.  My doctor was conveniently out of the country so this day I saw his nurse.  She was very concerned and had me go directly to the hospital.  Could this FINALLY be the day?!

I was immediately admitted.  The doctor on call for my doctor came in and introduced himself.  In the few minutes I spoke with him, I liked him SO much more than my doctor that it became apparent that this was a God thing.  I was 37 weeks that day but the doctor wanted Kaiden to stay in as long as possible.  He said I would be in the hospital until Kaiden's arrival.  That evening I started having contractions every minute and a half, and with every contraction, Kaiden's heart rate dropped tremendously.  The doctor came in first thing the next morning and said we needed to get him out, and since Kaiden's heart rate had dropped I would need a c-section.  The doctor was pretty booked up that day so he was going to squeeze me in sometime.  With that the waiting game began.

I did NOT like not knowing exactly when it was going to happen.  The nurse would come in to do something and I would get nervous thinking it was time.  Around 12:45 she came in and said those magic words, "It's time!"  I immediately began to shake.  For those of you that know me, I have been dreading delivery for a while and now it was time.
 Being wheeled to the operating room.
 David getting geared up!

I was wheeled back around 1:00 pm.  I remember everything about that OR like it was yesterday.  They wouldn't let David go back at first until I was completely ready.  They sat me on the OR table to give me the spinal.  I was freaking out.  I remember at one point telling them they were going to have to find another way to get this baby out cause it is not going to happen like this.  I did make it however.
Our first family picture on the OR table.

Kaiden Wayne Tarver born at 1:15 pm on December 29, 2010
7 lbs 11 ozs       20 inches long

The doctor told us beforehand that he may have to be on a ventilator because he was early and babies of diabetics have slower lung development but he was doing great.  However, his body was having a hard time getting his blood sugar up.  So he was taken to NICU.  The nurse brought him into my room so I could hold him before they took him.
My first time holding him

We were allowed to visit him during 'touch times' which were 9, 12, 3, 6, and 9.  At our visits we were allowed to change his diaper, take his temperature, and feed him.  The first few days they were taking his blood sugar by pricking his little heel at each feeding.  As his blood sugar came up it became less often.

I was discharged the Sunday after I delivered but Kaiden had to stay.  That was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.  I felt like I had left half of my heart at the hospital.  We were up there daily until he was released on Wednesday, January 5th.  What a joy it was to bring our little man home!

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